Silicone tubes for matrix rings



Cylindrical silicone tubes to be applied to the Standard Ring. Available in two sizes: Small (white) and Large (transparent).
They optimize the matrix stability far from contact point even in case of very large cavities.


  For Standard Ring usage

  Available in two sizes Small e Large

  They optimize the adhesion between the matrix and the                tooth


Triangular tubes made of a special green and blue silicone rubber, for Standard and Delta rings usage. Facilitates the adaptation and adherence of the matrices. The green tubes can be applied in two ways: in the case of small cavities, with the tips pointing inwards (Fig. 1), they ensure adherence of the matrix along the height of the tooth and can replace the wedge. For extended cavities restoration, used with the tips pointing outwards (Fig. 2), they stabilize the matrix far from the point of contact. The blue tubes, thanks to the shorter tip, leave the working space adjacent to contact point free.


  Perfect for Delta ring, also good for Standard ring too

  They can replace the wedge

  Double application for green silicone tubes: with the tip pointing inwards or outwards


Code Description
3550 Cylindrical silicone tubes for Standard Ring – 40 pcs (20 Small white, 20 Large transparent)
3551 Triangular GREEN silicone tubes for Delta and Standard Rings – 40 pcs
3552 Triangular BLUE silicone tubes for Delta and Standard Rings – 40 pcs.


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Matrix rings

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